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      <N.W.O.B.H.M. RARE 7",12" AND ALBUMS>

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aiiz3.jpg (7651 byte)

A II Z "Witch of berkeley " Lp Polydor
2388 587 -1980 (value aprox 100 euro)

aiiz2.jpg (8482 byte)

A II Z"I'm the one who loves you "7 "Polydor-POSP 314
1981 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. I'm the one who loves you
  2. Ringside seat
aiiz1.jpg (8823 byte)

A II Z"No fun after Midnight" 7 "Polydor-POSP 243
1981 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. No fun after midnight
  2. Treason







AIIZ"No fun after midnight" 7" Polydor-POSPX 243-1981

  1. No fun after midnight
  2. Treason
  3. Valhalla force
afterd1.jpg (5890 byte)

After Dark "Evil woman"AD 001 1981-7" (value aprox 50 euro)

1.Evil woman



afterd2.jpg (11161 byte)

PROMO 1-7" (value aprox 50 euro)


2.Call of the wild Promo (only picture disc)

agbag.jpg (15775 byte)

AGONY BAG"Rabies is a killer"7"Monza-002-

1980 (value aprox 100 euro)


  1. Rabies is a killer
  2. Never never land


amethyst.jpg (13935 byte)

AMETHYST"Take me to the limit" 7 " Lyntone-LYN 18243-1987 (value aprox 50 euro)

1.Take me to the limit

2.Straight down the line

awitch4.jpg (11934 byte)

ANGEL WITCH" Sweet danger" 7 "EMI-EMI 5064
1980 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. Sweet danger
  2. Flight nineteen
awitch2.jpg (10396 byte)

ANGEL WITCH"Angelwitch "Bronze-BRO 108
1980 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. Angelwitch
  2. Gorgon
awitch6.jpg (6356 byte)

ANGEL WITCH"Angel Witch" Lp-Bronze-BRON 532-1980,Bronze
203191320-1980 German,Castle-CLALP 239

awitch1.jpg (10164 byte)

BRO 121-1981 (value aprox 60 euro)

  1. Loser
  2. Suffer
  3. Dr. Phibes
aragorn.jpg (9315 byte)

ARAGORN"Black ice " 7"Neat-NEAT 07-1981 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. Black ice
  2. Noonday
arc2.jpg (12927 byte)

ARC"Tribute" 7"Orcist
ORC 1-1980 (value aprox 260 euro)

  1. Tribute
  2. For my next kick
arc.jpg (16726 byte)

ARC"War of the ring" 7"Slipped Disc-SD 001 -1981  (value aprox 60 euro)

  1. War of the ring
  2. Ice cream theme
avenger1.jpg (10635 byte)

AVENGER"Too wild to tame " 7"Neat-NEAT 31
1983 (value aprox 50 euro)

  1. Too wild to tame
  2. On the rocks
avenger2.jpg (8853 byte)

AVENGER"Blood sports" Lp Neat-NEAT 1018
1984 (value aprox 30 euro)


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